Monday, 21 September 2009

Exercise 4.

1. Where can you find information about Nobel Prize? who get the Nobel Prize this year?.

2. Goto Encyclopedia Online at Search for the history of automobiles or Computer. summarize the information you get.

Subject The history of computing hardware encompasses the hardware, its architecture, and its impact on software. The elements of computing hardware have undergone significant improvement over their history. This improvement has triggered worldwide use of the technology, performance has improved and the price has declined. Computers are accessible to ever-increasing sectors of the world's population. Computing hardware has become a platform for uses other than computation, such as automation, communication, control, entertainment, and education. Each field in turn has imposed its own requirements on the hardware, which has evolved in response to those requirements.

3. What is the difference between generalbook and reference book?

  • General book are the books in the library ,which are can borrowed from the library. But Reference Book is one that may only be used in the library and not borrowed from the library.

4. When do you need to search information from the reference collection?

  • When we need the purpose to get information about Current events, facts and figures, Background.

5. What type of reference collection that you like to use most? And why?

  • Dictionary, because mostly time i not understand some word from the class, need to translate for the meaning of them.

6. Reference book about Dictionary .

  • Dictionary:Oxford (Dictionary of Computing)-for Learners of English.
  • Editor by: Sandra Pyne and Allene Tuck
  • Phonetics Editor: Michael Ashby (Oxford university Prees)

On page 390.

The ASCII Symbols.

ACK Acknoeledge ENQ Enquiry GS Group Separateor

BEL Bell EOT End of Transmission HT Horizontal tabulation

BS Backspace ESC Escape LF Line Feed

CAN Cancel ETB End of Transmission Block NUL Null

CR Carriage Return EXT End of Text RS Record Separator

DC Device Control

DEL Delete

DLE Data Link Escape

EM End of Medium

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